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Größe: Groß 44 "x 28"

* Exklusiver Bestand und meine NEUE Arbeit.

Giclée Fine Art Prints auf 380 g / m², Baumwoll-Canvas und lackiert.

Limited Edition Größe: 300
Mit Echtheitszertifikat signiert

Bitte verwenden Sie die Dropdown-Liste unten, um entweder "Rolled Canvas" oder "Stretched Box Canvas" auszuwählen.

Gerollte Leinwand - Giclée 380gr Baumwolle Leinwanddruck lackiert und in eine Tube gerollt

Stretched - Premium Branded UK Kiefern-Keilrahmen 18 mm, lackiert mit Beschlägen, die zum Aufhängen an der Wand bereit sind, ohne Rahmen, Box-Canvas-Stil

Der Preis beinhaltet Porto nach Großbritannien


  • The deepest feelings ignited within me while creating this painting. My inspiration flourished through my research into the Michelangelo sculpture ‘Pietra of the Mary’ and the ‘Young Hercules’ by Alessandro Farnese.

    At that moment, I was enlightened as I envisioned the composition depicting both of these classic sculptures on one painting.

    Some of my recent paintings have changed direction after ten years experience painting mainly animals. I have reached the blissful and fulfilling transition towards this alluring style of work. Classical sculptures embody emotions for many people, they touch on deep feelings and profound understanding. I am really looking forward to explore further into this subject with my oil painting techniques.​

    The name for this painting that came to my mind was ‘Forgiveness’...that all humans deserve to experience in their lives... Interpretation by Dina Perejogina

  • Size: Large 44" x 28" ~ Approximately 112 x 71cm

    * Exclusive stock of my latest style *


    * NEW 'Rollled with Fittings' option ~ You can now purchase your rolled canvas supplied with the stretcher bars and fittings you need to stretch the canvas yourself or take to a framers for a reduced cost. For a step-by-step guide with photos on how to stretch your own canvas, click here 


    Giclee Fine Art Prints on 380gsm, cotton canvas and varnished.

    Limited Edition Size: 300 
    Signed with Certificate of Authenticity

    Rolled Canvas - Giclee 380gr Cotton Canvas print varnished and rolled in to a tube

    Stretched - Premium Branded UK pine stretcher bars 18mm, varnished with fittings ready to hang on the wall no need framing, box canvas style

    Price Includes Postage to the UK

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Copyright © 2024 Dina Perejogina.

All rights to each image or text on this website are fully retained by the artist Dina Perejogina. Any unauthorised broadcasting, public performance, copying, reproduction or recording will constitute an infringement of copyright. The illegal downloading and distribution of copyrighted works are serious offenses that carry with them the risk of substantial monetary damages, and in some cases, criminal prosecution. I do not give permission to anyone to copy or create unauthorised prints from my artwork for resale or personal use.

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