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84 "x 54"

XX-Großdruck von Grand Kyloe Bull Mit einem umlaufenden Rand für Keilrahmen ergibt sich eine Gesamtgröße von 87 "x 57". Zweimal lackiert und mit Echtheitszertifikat versehen. Nur zwei auf Lager.

* Zusätzliche Option:

- Falls erforderlich, Flatpack-Keilrahmen und Beschläge.

Der Preis zum Selbstkostenpreis beträgt £ 60,00. (Extra)

Bitte fordern Sie es per E-Mail an:

* Dieser Druck wurde exklusiv für die Größe meines Originalgemäldes angefertigt, in der Hoffnung, meinen Kunden die Möglichkeit zu geben, ihn in seiner vollen Wirkung zu genießen.

'Grand Kyloe Bull' ~ XX-Large

  • Artist Proof (Only Left) 

    84" x 54" ~ Approximately 213 x 137cm


    * NEW 'Rollled with Fittings' option ~ You can now purchase your rolled canvas supplied with the stretcher bars and fittings you need to stretch the canvas yourself or take to a framers for a reduced cost. For a step-by-step guide with photos on how to stretch your own canvas, click here


    XXX-Large Print of Grand Kyloe Bull Including a wrap round borders for stretcher bars, makes the total printed image size  87" x 57" ~ Approximately 221 x 115cm. Varnished twice and will include Certificate of Authenticity. 


    "Grand Kyloe Bull" Limited Edition is officially SOLD OUT

    I have only got proofs left in stock now, please see below for more information.


    ~ What are Artist's Proofs? ~

    When an artist is checking the colour and quality of the limited edition he will receive proofs. Traditionally, Artist's Proofs, remained the property of the artist. In modern times they are sold after the Limited Edition Prints have sold out, usually at a higher price, since they are exclusive. 

    Artist's Proofs are exactly the same in terms of how they are printed, the colours, quality of printing, paper etc. Artists number them, often with Roman numerals and with the mark A/P. Artists sign them too, exactly the same as with the limited editions. There are not as many artists proofs released however. Normally only 10-15% of the limited edition run is released as Artist's Proofs.

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Copyright © 2024 Dina Perejogina.

All rights to each image or text on this website are fully retained by the artist Dina Perejogina. Any unauthorised broadcasting, public performance, copying, reproduction or recording will constitute an infringement of copyright. The illegal downloading and distribution of copyrighted works are serious offenses that carry with them the risk of substantial monetary damages, and in some cases, criminal prosecution. I do not give permission to anyone to copy or create unauthorised prints from my artwork for resale or personal use.

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