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'Das innere Gleichgewicht'

Größe: Groß 30 "x 48"

* Exklusiver Bestand und meine NEUE Arbeit.


Giclée Fine Art Prints auf 380 g / m², Baumwoll-Canvas und lackiert.

Limited Edition Größe: 300
Mit Echtheitszertifikat signiert

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Gerollte Leinwand - Giclée 380gr Baumwoll-Leinwanddruck lackiert und in eine Tube gerollt

Stretched - Premium Branded UK Kiefern-Keilrahmen 18 mm, lackiert mit Beschlägen, die zum Aufhängen an der Wand bereit sind, ohne Rahmen, Box-Canvas-Stil

Der Preis beinhaltet Porto nach Großbritannien

"Das innere Gleichgewicht"

  • When I visited Holland around five years ago with my family, I picked up the inspiration of my painting 'The Inner Balance' during a tour of the Rusk Museum. I was enchanted by this sculpture ~ ' L'Amour Menacant ' by Falconet, and brought home a postcard of the statue. 

    Being my Mother's favourite subject, I was roused to pick up my brushes and expand my new style of Classical Paintings, as my dear Mother never explored this mode of expression on this topic that she held so dear.

    I endeavour for the titles of my work to have profound meaning and yet the leniency of open interpretation for its audience. Following my previous painting 'Forgiveness', I required a similarly suitable name for this composition of the cherub that would capture the innocence of a child and yet equivocation of expression carved on this sculptures face. 'Inner Balance' established the desired notion of this painting.

    The inborn passion I have for this subject is translated through the anthropological realism in fine details, capturing the nuances of my subjects with verve.

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Copyright © 2024 Dina Perejogina.

All rights to each image or text on this website are fully retained by the artist Dina Perejogina. Any unauthorised broadcasting, public performance, copying, reproduction or recording will constitute an infringement of copyright. The illegal downloading and distribution of copyrighted works are serious offenses that carry with them the risk of substantial monetary damages, and in some cases, criminal prosecution. I do not give permission to anyone to copy or create unauthorised prints from my artwork for resale or personal use.

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