I have worked on a new collection of classical sculptures using clay. These are the beginnings of an exciting new venture for me, and there will shortly be a new page on my website featuring this collection. Watch this space!
Original clay plaque sculptures/bas relief of classicism style, resting on bespoke oak stands:
1. "The Wise Man” study in clay, size with stand 17cm x 12cm x 15cm
2. "Nymph” study in clay, size with stand 19cm x 12cm x 8cm
3. “Guardian” Spartan head study size with stand: 8cm x 21cm x 12cm
4. New 3D sculpture study: My first trial sculpting a full three dimensional head, of my own design and using my own techniques. I truly enjoy using clay to build 3D form and bringing my ideas alive - it’s so enthralling.
You can register interest in owning any of the original sculptures or their limited edition plaster copies, via email to daperejogina@talktalk.net, or via the contact form on my website.