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Classical Sculptures Art ~ New Painting


40” x 40”

Head of Alexander the Great

“Whatever possession we gain by our sword cannot be sure or lasting,

but the love gained by kindness and moderation is certain and durable."

~ Alexander the Great

The concept behind this piece is for me to create two paintings ~ Mars and Venus. Male and female classical large-scale heads to be hung as a pair, side by side. I have now completed 'Mars' after three months work. 'Venus' my female sculpture painting is yet to be painted.

This is 'Mars', a painting of Alexander III of Macedon which took me three months to complete, using Old Holland Acrylics. The background composition is one of my signature style, with extra depth to compliment the sculpture's portrait. Old Holland Acrylics enabled me to create the stone effects of the face of the marble. Throughout the length of time this painting took me to work on, the most time was spent on detailing the distinctive features of this magnificent portrait.

'Mars' is available to purchase upon application only.

If you are interested in purchasing this painting please contact me.



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Copyright © 2024 Dina Perejogina.

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