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Writer's pictureDina Perejogina

Season's Greetings

" Blessed is the season which engages the
whole world in a conspiracy of love."
Hamilton Wright Mabie

'Inner Courage' is one of my latest acrylic bovine portraits, his bold dark form creates such an atmosphere, you can feel his presence in the room with you. 'Inner Courage' and prints can be ordered via my website.


I have recently been taking some much needed respite visiting with family. During this time I have been painting some shutters for my brother's house. We are a very artistic family, and my brother has a magnificent and inspiring home.

I have recreated the work of Albrecht Durer as you can see above for two of the shutters, and my father painted the two below!


Coming Soon...

I am excited to announce that I have a 'New Years' project, and will be painting another 'Grand Kyloe Bull' Version II. I will be recreating the original painting, but renewed, as per my client's request. Watch this space!


Currently on my Easel...

'Guardian' - The counterpart to the painting 'Angel' is almost complete, just adding the finishing touches to the background. I am taking my time for this, as inspiration cannot be rushed, and I must go with the spirit of the painting in developing the tones needed to compliment the form in a delicate way, to ensure perfection in this painting and for the paintings yet to come in this seraphic style.


Since my studies in Florence, I feel such a divine and holy connection with this painting, every stroke in the oils merges with my spirit, and I am so looking forward to building my collection of classical style paintings. 


Two new canvases have been stretched and ready for a new pair of paintings in my classical series, destined to depict 'Adam and Eve'. These paintings will inspired from several different reference sources to put together the composition I have envisioned. For more information, keep an eye on my blog and Instagram!


'Guardian Angel' and 'Adam and Eve' will both be in the same style, and I hope to create a series of these paintings to exhibit in the near future.

Visions I have for the future of my classical artwork include circular paintings, such as this one I have recently created. I have painted this portrait of a cherub in my exploration of classical technique, using oils on wood panel, as they did originally, to simulate the iconic look of classical paintings.


The idea came to me, to complete a series of these smaller cherub paintings between other things I am working on, 60cm diameter, representing the different star signs, in the classical style. This style expresses the Lalique stone texture, which you can almost feel when taking in my finished paintings. For this series, I am exploring the use of a chain, in Victorian/Edwardian style, to hang the paintings, for maximum emphatic effect.

I have started the lighter counterpart painting of 'Inner Courage'; a white Toro Bull - a 'Ying & Yang', complimenting light and dark with his lambent grace. A concept that originated in Chinese Philosophy, describing opposite but interconnected, mutually perpetuating forces, embodies my intention with this pair of paintings.


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